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What to expect:

The initial Hello

I will set up a call where you can tell me about your project - the space you want to create, your vision (no problem if you’re not sure - that’s why you called me!), and your budget. We will also review the design packages available to you. This can take up to 10 minutes.


Phase 1 - Let's Design the space :

I will meet with you either virtually or, if local, in person where you can show me your space and we can discuss the re-design in detail. This can take up to 2 hours. During this meeting, please expect to sit down and discuss with me the general look and feel you desire for the space. We will discuss any changes you can make immediately. I will then design a concept for you for your selected spaces. If you have more than 1 space, I can open more time with you for additional cost. After the consultation, you will receive (2) mood boards for the primary space with design ideas and links to some products. For selection of all products with either links or purchase by the designer, and full design, see Phase 2. 


Phase 2:  Execution of the design :

You get to pick from 3 packages that works for you and your budget and we bring the vision to life!  Let's chat on the phone to find the right one for you. 


FAQs : 

How will you know what is my style?

Before we begin the process, I will briefly discuss your space with you. You can also send me a link to your Pinterest board for inspiration on the room you would like to design. This will help me to really understand your style. The more information you give me, the more I will know. Then we will discuss the space in more detail at the Consultation.


How can I ensure measurements are correct for the space?

While at the consultation, I will measure key areas of your space. Thereafter, we will be in communication for measurements that I may need.


What if I want to change something in the design after selecting my package?

When you select a design package, you have one complimentary redesign available to you if you would like to have a third option! Please let me know what you did and didn't like to guide me on creating your final design.


Do you provide discounts?

Yes! If you have multiple rooms you would like to design, we offer a multi-room package. Please email me for more information. Please be on the lookout for other discount opportunities which I will share on my instagram or website.

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